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From the Womb of Love to the Tomb of Abandonment

The following is an excerpt from my book entitled -- My Mother's Guilt, My Father's Sin: The Death of Innocence

We are surrounded by so many social misfits that it is a wonder any of us haven't slid off the grid for the purpose of self preservation to keep from cracking up. We have men positioned in high places who's actions are of ill repute. Some are priests, pastors, and politicians who are nothing more than rapists and pedophiles, preying upon our young girls and boys. We have some women, the bearers of life, killing and/or abandoning their own children when there are countless women (that can't have children) who would give their right arm if it meant they would have the opportunity to give birth to and love a child.

We have boys claiming to be men making babies and walking away from their responsibility, who have the audacity to cop an attitude when they are called on the carpet about their boyish immaturity. Why is this? Could it be that we as a people walk in darkness as it relates to the true nature of who we are? Could it be that we have settled for that darkness, employing ignorance as our shadow when we are clearly living in the age of information, yet tossing light-giving knowledge to the side as if it has no significance?
For many it seems that low-income housing and food stamp cards are the short-term goal but are sadly oblivious to the long-term effects that come from not having a plan beyond living for the weekend. Is this what it has come to? Is this who you are, who we are? These are questions that need to be asked and answered with clear and concise absolution. Until we tear down the walls of ours minds that have us boxed in by forever keeping our yesterdays in front of us we will remain inmates inside the tomb of abandonment, left to wonder what the womb of love feels like on the outside where it is missed.

Families have been torn apart because someone is still angry about the past. The love they once showered upon the life inside the womb has dissipated into a light drizzle. Instead of not needing an umbrella so that one could become drenched by the down pour of love, they in turn need a covering to protect them from the buck shots and heart piercing arrows sent rapid fire via the barrel of vicious verbosity.

The tomb of abandonment represents a place where crack smokers go to get high. It is a den of lost souls who have chosen to fling themselves into a bottomless abyss of never ending vertigo to hide their inadequacies, their deficiencies, shame and pain. the decision to deny their circumstances feeds the insatiable appetite of torment, citing if we just stay confined within the walls of our own dysfunctional world, no one will know what's going on in our families or what has been done to me that has caused me to behave in such a destructive manner.
It is apparent to me that the wombs of love that existed in my family have dried up and become canals that house petrified flatulence; a bodily gas that has hardened and turned into excrement, and that putrid odor leaks from the inside out and becomes the aroma of her attitude.

Unfortunately, many of our children and young adults attempt to find solace within the life altering and often times, life taking jungles of the street in an effort to fill a void with something or someone who makes them feels better about themselves. This is an example of the tomb of abandonment.

As for the womb of love, it should be a place that is easy to find and always accessible. That place should be the warm comforting arms of a mother, or the strong protective arms of a father. Both places should exude a strong aura of reassurance. It is a travesty of thought to even suggest the work of a parent is finished when the child reaches a certain age. It is exactly that frame of mind that has produced a generation of babies having babies with the young parent severely lacking the mental and emotional capacity to even begin to understand what it takes to raise a child.
Having them is the easy part. The real work begins with teaching the child...instilling in him or her good healthy morals and values. Sadly, society as a whole has become a tomb of abandonment when the welfare and well-being of its citizenry is secondary to the political agenda of profit by any means necessary.

By Craig Samuels

[IMMEDIATE DOWNLOAD] My Mother's Guilt, My father's Sin: The Death Of Innocence

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  1. I remember when I first read this from your book. "Finally", I thought! Yes, finally someone has verbally described and awaken "The truth"!of the pain that accompany abandonment and the longing and need that naturally ties itself to love, which was expressed by the nurturing strength of "the womb" ... Wow! What else can I say?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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