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Showing posts from September, 2018

Contempt: The Seed That Familiarity Breeds

First, I'd like to start off by apologizing to those of you who enjoy reading my blogs for the long delay in between articles. I've been dealing with a few health issues. But today I feel well enough to sit down and share with you one of the many observations that has caused me to want to write about it. The brother in the above video is Alvin Brown; if you listened to it you already know what he does and what his credentials are. In this four minute segment he makes several statements regarding the title of this blog that can be used as good talking points. The first of many for me was at the 1:32 mark where he says, "Sometimes when you get familiar with something or use to something you overlook the value of it." This is very true. But let us take an up close and personal look into why. How many of you recall when you were younger and everything you got came out of your parent's pocket? You got a new pair of sneakers, mom or dad bought them. You got a ne