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Personality Bias: A Colorless Mirage

If you cannot see me beyond where I live, what I drive or how much money I have, then I am nothing more than a mirage to you; a colorless mirage void of material goods.

If I don't have a title suggesting that I am someone of importance, I am discounted and looked over. If I am not in a position of power and authority then I am considered a nobody. If my name is unfamiliar then surely I have nothing significant to say so I am labeled as unworthy to listen to and ignored. Lets take a look at what I mean by personality bias and what it means to me.

Personality Bias: 1. The act of ignoring or denying someone an audience due to lack of notoriety.

The thought behind the notion that one has to be in the public eye to be considered important or to have something important to say is asinine. The thought behind the notion that if you're an athlete, entertainer, pastor, politician, scholar, or someone of that caliber, that they are the only ones who have anything significant to say is preposterous! I think it is sad when you're looked upon as an average Joe you're automatically relegated to the status of a social peon -- a colorless mirage.
In the wake of recent events it has been the so-called public figures who consistently put their foot in their mouths by using flimsy talking points to make a point. Often times when there is no point to be made. Then the media eats it up, regurgitates it, feeds it to us and we eat it up.

To me, this is abnormal behavior normalized by the social big wigs who think that intelligence, good diction and relevant information are attributes that only those of social notoriety can possess. See, when abnormalities are normalized and we buy into the hoax, we become an accomplice in our own subjugation. Furthermore, we teach the next generation to capitulate to the machinations of the purveyors of said abnormalities. I've seen people who I call the wise and unknown drop precious jewels and life nuggets in small group discussions only to have a few return to the group on fire about the 'new' information they received. As it turns out, the information wasn't new at all, it was the same recipe they heard a week before, but it only resonated with them after Pastor Sugarfoot said it.

See, they only heard the message when someone they held in high regard said it. The potency was the same, it just had to come from someone with a title who was in the position of authority for it to have true meaning. That is what I mean by personality bias. You can't hear Joe because Joe is just Joe, a factory worker with no title and no public figure status. But if Dr. Do-Good says it then it must be the actual factual truth.
It is maintained within the realm of my perspective that we must move away from the celebrity mentality about whose important and who is not; who knows more about this or that subject; who is more intellectually adept; who knows whom and how certain associations somehow validates you as being better than your counterparts.
We must detox from the attitude of competition and intoxicate ourselves with the aptitude to engage in healthy, meaningful dialogue regardless of how bright the lights shine one one's name or how dim they may be on someone else's. Anything less than this speaks to and continues to feed the insatiable appetite of division which has acquired Herculean strength off the steady diet of colonizing people based on their social classification, religious affiliation, education, creed, color and/or ethnicity.

The narcotic power of media propaganda has both pacified and falsified our consciousness with poison narratives spun from the minds of the Wizards of Lies who's agenda is to blur the lenses of reality while expertly weaponizing mediums used to create an illusion. It is orchestrated speculation. And they use talking heads to get it done. Listen, all I'm saying is control your own narrative by broadening your listening horizons; truth, genuineness, and authenticity aren't always found in the mouths of the social elite, but exploitation is done with a pitiless rapacity.

Pay attention to the little guy sometimes; for it is there where you'll often find purity of heart and a willingness to go the extra mile if it means better conditions for his/her people. A colorless mirage only shows up in Black & White when one is confined to E.L.F. (Extra Low Frequency). Banish your personality bias by calibrating your sense of hearing, your attitude toward the unfamiliar, and your overall mental awareness to 360 degrees. This will ensure a perpetual cycle of learning and bring vivid coloration to your world, making real what was once thought to be a mirage, regardless of who's headlining. 

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