Many of you are already aware of who this man is in the above video. For those of you are not aware, his name is Dr. Claud Anderson. He is an author, speaker, educator, and forensic historian; not to mention the foremost authority on politics and economics in the world today. Now that that is out of the way, lets get to why I titled this blog 'Blind Acceptance'.
*Check out what's going on at the S.H.O.C.K. Kemetic Wisdom School
I am specifically targeting the group known as "Black" people with this one. Not to tear down, but to lift up mentally by pointing out two dynamics that have been weaponized against us and how we've blindly accepted the results of the weaponry. Since the years of so-called reconstruction (1865-1877), the Civil Rights Act of 1866, on up to the Voting Rights Act of 1965, we have blindly accepted the conditions projected upon us because we thought that somehow casting our ballot would liberate us from the tyrannical control of White Supremacy and its racially charged agenda against people of African descent. Our ignorance of how the political game is played and how it is played against us has been a historical detriment to our forward progress as a group.
For generations our older family members have told us to vote Democrat and scolded us for not doing so, regardless of the fact that the chosen political savior never came to the table with an agenda geared specifically in the direction of Black people with a plan to better our collective condition. Nor did they inquire if whether they had one or not. No, they only came with sweet talk, holding their political penises in their hand with the purpose of screwing us harder than the last elected official did for the next four to eight years. And we gladly bent over and took it dry like we've been taught to do. And in the end all we got is splashed with political ejaculation and empty promises for a better tomorrow. Our people have been voting and marching for over half a century and praying for 500 years or more and not a goddamn thing has changed for the positive in our favor!
Listen, the hand that pays the piper calls the tune. And politicians are only going to be as loyal to us as long as the money is there to finance their campaign. The mafia understands this concept. Watch the Godfather. The Jews understand it. The whites understand it. The Asians understand it. What do they understand? Group economics. . .doing for self before you do for anybody else.
"It is absolutely asinine and ridiculous for Black people to think that a would be politician whose going to be financed by white philanthropy, i.e. the Democratic Party and white corporations, will carry out out a Black agenda."
- Dr. Claud Anderson
Peep the game they play. They know they can't get us to go along with their agenda if they give it to us straight with regards to what they really think and how they really feel, so they parade some Black bootlick sellout in front of mainstream media outlets to pitch their political double-speak, which is nothing more than bullshit bait, with hopes that we will bite and run to the polls full of emotion and hope with our dumb selves.
"The reason why Black politicians do what the Democratic Party tells them to do is because the DP funds their campaign. No one is loyal to Black people because we do not use our money to control any aspect of the political machine where we live. Until we start using a percentage of our trillion dollar spending power via consumerism to finance and control our politicians, we will never get ahead."
- Dr. Claud Anderson
To hear from the greatest minds of our time regarding Black matters click here
As for religion, well, religion and politics go hand in hand. The only difference is that one is called a pastor and the other is a politician, but they're both bloodsucking poverty pimps looking to get over on the people at the expense of their naivete and gullibility.
Shameful cowardice is when you value fiction over facts and reality. And fear is the weapon used to ensure that fantasy remains the reality for those who are afraid to confront the evidence that says you've been tricked. Black people use religion as a coping mechanism to reinforce whatever their core ideals are and what they aspire to do. So in essence, they extract from religion that which reinforces what they already are. What has happened is you've been forced and/or frightened into compromising your authenticity, your greatness, and your purity. The time is upon us to do something different, starting with waking up and smelling the nectar of nonsense, the true aroma of the social arrogance that says we as a people lack the basic intelligence to see them for who they are and the game for what it is. Dr. John Henrik Clarke said, "We have everything we need, except each other." Come on people, let's not allow that to be true for another generation.
By Craig D. Samuels
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