If we are going to make the necessary improvements for ourselves, we are going to have to practice self-awareness, first. One can neither grow, develop, nor mature if we are in denial about the character flaws that produce degenerate behavior. Everything has a beginning, so we will begin with acknowledging the area(s) that we know needs our attention.
Space: How can one make room for that which is significant when your space is occupied by people or things that are insignificant as it relates to your peace and personal development? You wouldn't be able to build upon a thought, let alone produce one. Your first priority is to declutter your space so you can stretch out, breathe, and think. And don't be so quick to fill that space (empty void) with another person or thing until you've given yourself ample time to think about what that empty space really needs. Until then, leave it blank.
Time: Time is like currency: how we spend it determines the potency of our productivity and decision making ability. What you purchase with your time will either appreciate in value, making it worth your time, or depreciate in value, making your efforts a waste of time. It is predicated upon what you deem important or unimportant with regard to your best interest. Time is a hot commodity. It is valuable. Once you spend it you cannot get it back. There are no receipts that allow us to redeem wasted time. You must be definitive in the choices you make when it comes to your time and who or what you're giving it to. Utilizing the time you have in a frugal manner is not only wise, but is also an essential practice to making progress and achieving optimal success in your chosen endeavors. If you do not respect the time you have, a fool's reward will be your consequence.
Energy: Whatever you give your energy to, grows. it is the equivalent to when rain falls; it offers nourishment to the weeds as well as the flowers. Like time, we must be mindful of how we expend our energy. Making bad investments results in a negative return - i.e., loss. In this context, it is the value of your energy, your life-force, that you lose. Who and what we give our time and energy to speaks to the quality of your character. A man or women of good character does not and will not waste their precious energy on what they perceive to be a bad investment. They respect their work-ethic and won't give a second thought to entertaining foolishness, not even their own. To do so is an indication that one may be suffering from vacant esteem, making it obligatory (for continued growth and forward progress) for an immediate recalibration of their understanding with regard to their self-worth. Our time and energy operate in the same capacity - meaning, that what we spend our time doing, we also give it our energy. It is up to us whether or not our time and energy are well spent on either significant and productive ideas, or on insignificant, nonproductive thoughts with no corresponding action. This includes but is not limited to, people.
Activation: Activity is akin to movement. The root word of activity is act, which suggests that we are thespians in the theater of life. And on this stage, you are the writer, director, and producer. However, there must be an action that activates said movement. For example, before you can use your new credit card you must first call the number on the back or go online to activate it. Only then will it be ready for use. It is a short process, but still a process nonetheless. The same holds true for every area of your life; especially when we encounter unfamiliar territory. This means we've entered into something new. For that which is unfamiliar to you brings with it a newness. It means you must prepare to learn. Good, bad, or indifferent, you are about to learn something. And new information activates the birthing of a higher quality of understanding. This evolved state of understanding strengthens and gives rise to our knowledge base, thus heightening our awareness via sight and intuition. The activation of a thing generates movement. And any type of mobility requires the use of energy. That energy then propels us forward into the process of making progress upon the path of our purpose. When our actions are on par with our purpose, success will be the inevitable result.
Movement: Your movement requires a clear path. When a plane has been given clearance, it is being activated for take-off. It needs for everything to be out of its way [space] to avoid what would be nothing short of a tragedy. The same principle applies to us. Our space cannot be cluttered with debris. Our time cannot be spent on worthless matters. And our energy is depleted by the irresponsible way(s) we spend our time. If these three (3) components are in a healthy mode of operation, then you will be clear for take-off. On the flip side of the coin is this: sometimes you still have to move when their are obstacles in your way. You will learn how to navigate over, under, and around time wasting, energy depleting situations that come to circumvent your movement. Reality is honest. However, regardless of the reality you're facing, you must be proactive. Talking and not moving is activity without accomplishment. Always remember, there is a process to making positive progress. Commitment is required and consistency is key. The choice is always [y]ours.
Note: When you choose a behavior, you also choose the consequence.
We must bring order to our lives. We have the authority. The root word of authority is author. So, the power of the pen is in your hand. It is you who writes upon the pages that produce chapters in your personal book of evolution as you experience life in its kaleidoscopic array of encounters. Prioritize your responsibilities from the most important to the least important on a daily basis. And keep this in the forefront of your minds; the pen comes in the form of your behavior and the choices you make are written upon the tablet of your character. Someone is always watching; your memoir will be read and judged based on the quality of your conduct.
The acronym is known throughout academia and stands for science, technology, engineering, mathematics. It was adopted by Dr. William A. Smith and given another meaning, which is what you just read - space, time, energy, movement. I simply added an 'A' and gave it my perspective.
Dr. Smith is an esteemed scholar and Chief Executive Administrator in the Huntsman Mental Health Institute (HMHI) in the School of Medicine and the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Utah. He is renowned for his research on Racial Battle Fatigue. A framework that he coined as the cumulative emotional, psychological, physiological, and behavioral stressors that stem from the fatigue of battling racism.
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention a woman who is worthy of mentioning. I present to her in literary form the flowers she so wonderfully deserves. Dr. Oya Adwoa Maat. A Professor of Electrical Engineering, brilliant scholar and educator at Morgan State University, an HBCU in Baltimore, Maryland. In addition to her academic achievements, Dr. Maat has also utilized the 'A'. It has a dual meaning. . . Art and Agriculture. Dr. Maat has taken the great jazz musician, George Benson's 1977 classic song "The Greatest Love of All" to heart. The opening verse says: "I believe the children are our future; teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride to make it easier; let the children's laughter remind us of how we used to be."
I contend that there is nothing more noble and beautiful than a mother who not only takes interest in her child's future, but one who also takes interest in the future of the children of other mothers, fathers, and guardians. To show how serious she is about our future as a collective, Dr. Maat started EdAnime Productions. A company she founded with her family to provide practical educational content for the Black community. Due to her tenacity, nurturing heart, infectious smile, and contagious energy, the company has blossomed into a social enterprise. Falling under the umbrella of EdAnime Productions are the equally impactful entities known as: Meltrek, Conscious Ingenuity, and Asafo Training Camp for Black Boys. Each program has its own domain:
https://meltrek365.com https://consciousingenuity.com https://asafocamp.com and https://edanimeproductions.com
Dr. Maat asserts that the goal of her S.T.E.A.M. team and EdAnime Productions is to produce innovative and engaging educational media and programs. Their primary objectives are to supplement information currently taught to children in public or private schools; promote favorable self images, heighten self-esteem, and cultivate a sense of self-awareness; foster high achievement motivation and high extension needs. All of which are essential for children to achieve their full potential.
As you can see, Dr. Maat wears quite a few hats. Another crown that she wears is that of the host of her own podcast on YouTube which has taken social media by storm. Its called Truth to Power Talks (be sure to subscribe). You can catch her covering important topics from moral character and integrity to politics and history, and of course education, with some of the sharpest minds alive as her guests, including her own children.
When we talk about progress, we must not forget the process that has to be activated. Once activated, we must indulge ourselves in the maintenance of space, time, energy, and movement. Do you have adequate space to think, plan, and strategize? Not just physical space, but mental. Are you managing your time in a responsible manner? How are you utilizing your energy? Is your your movement become stagnated or interrupted? There is a process to our progress. The operative word being process. However, before there could be a process for warriors, or warriors in training, there had to be a trailblazer. One who would courageously walk point on the frontline in the Race War of antiquity. There had to be a sacrifice in order for the vision to manifest. There had to be an example of commitment, consistency, and excellence for our people to connect to. There had to be a leader.
Making her way through the birth canal of her mother's sacred womb, emerging out of the ancient rock ruins of our ancestral empires, stands a woman who was born for battle. She is a warrior. Her back is straightened. Her mind as sharp as a stainless steel straight razor. Her sight and speed equal to that of a Peregrine Falcon, quick to debunk and devour false information and pseudo intellectuals. Her tongue trained to speak unapologetically to our people and to our enemies. She is armed with the sword of truth in her heart and hand, ready to kill and die, figuratively speaking, but literally if necessary. But first, she had to be activated. She had to be processed in the fires of her experiences. The same held true for the great ones who preceded us: from Ida B. Wells to Dr. Frances Cress-Welsing; from Marcus Garvey to Dr. John Henrik Clarke, they all had to be processed.
Dr. Maat has been processed. Her progress is aligned with her purpose and has given those under the sound of her voice a bird's eye view into the reality of a warrior's nature. Just as she has been processed, the children under her tutelage are also being processed. I equate the process to a Blacksmith's hammer and blow torch that is applied to the unfinished areas of our character that refines us so that we may become certified, and verified by someone who is qualified.
Asante Sana,
Craig D. Samuels,
September 30, 2023