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The Vampire Affect: Fear of Facing Your Reflection

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  S.T.E.A.M. Space-Time-Energy-Activation-Movement If we are going to make the necessary improvements for ourselves, we are going to have to practice self-awareness, first. One can neither grow, develop, nor mature if we are in denial about the character flaws that produce degenerate behavior. Everything has a beginning, so we will begin with acknowledging the area(s) that we know needs our attention. Space: How can one make room for that which is significant when your space is occupied by people or things that are insignificant as it relates to your peace and personal development? You wouldn't be able to build upon a thought, let alone produce one. Your first priority is to declutter your space so you can stretch out, breathe, and think. And don't be so quick to fill that space (empty void) with another person or thing until you've given yourself ample time to think about what that empty space really needs. Until then, leave it blank.  Time: Time is like currency: how we s

Blind Acceptance: Religious and Political Immaturity

Many of you are already aware of who this man is in the above video. For those of you are not aware, his name is Dr. Claud Anderson. He is an author, speaker, educator, and forensic historian; not to mention the foremost authority on politics and economics in the world today. Now that that is out of the way, lets get to why I titled this blog 'Blind Acceptance'. *Check out what's going on at the S.H.O.C.K. Kemetic Wisdom School I am specifically targeting the group known as "Black" people with this one. Not to tear down, but to lift up mentally by pointing out two dynamics that have been weaponized against us and how we've blindly accepted the results of the weaponry. Since the years of so-called reconstruction (1865-1877), the Civil Rights Act of 1866, on up to the Voting Rights Act of 1965, we have blindly accepted the conditions projected upon us because we thought that somehow casting our ballot would liberate us from the t

The S.H.O.C.K. Metaphysics Kemetic Wisdom School

I am pleased to share with you this phenomenal online institution of learning where some of the greatest scholars and thinkers have been gathered together like the modern day X-Men or the Avengers to teach and share their life's work with those who are interested in critical, next level thinking. The adepts are brilliant and the content is rich and potent. The brainchild behind this genius and the founder of the school is none other than the man know as the Oprah of the internet and the Metaphysical Morpheous -- Philippe "SHOCK" Matthews. Believe me when I tell you, you cannot receive this level of academic information from any of today's universities. Below is a description of and introduction to the school, the adepts, and the courses that will be available to you. Hotep Family, I am writing to inform you that Philippe SHOCK Matthews has officially launched the SHOCK Metaphysics Virtual Wisdom School ! I am honored to b

A Place Like That

Have you ever wondered what it would look like outside of your heart and mind if your definition of a perfect world was your reality? Have you ever felt like everything around you was so ugly, insensitive and uncaring, that you used your imagination to create in your minds eye a place where humanity is silver and love is gold? And the place you imagined was etched in your mental center with the paint brush of your heart to ensure that everything was pure and authentic. Well, that is what Johnny and Pony Boy, played by Ralph Macchio and C. Thomas Howell were talking about in this classic scene from the 1982 movie The Outsiders. They dreamed of not just existing, but living in A Place Like That. I have to believe that these two young men who were living in very meager conditions, saw no other escape from their unstable households and tough environment, that they created a place within themselves; a place that was so peaceful and kind that they kept it between the two of them. They o

The Power of Words

Greetings everyone. I am back with another thought provoking topic that I hope will not only cause you to think, but to think seriously on the subject matter. First, allow me to apologize to those of you who like what I write and look forward to my blog articles. I was bombarded with a series of health issues, but due to sufficient rest and a few other modifications, I am feeling much better and doing much better. As you see, the above link is a snippet from the classic 1985 film The Color Purple. The scene in question is what I thought was a significant piece to make my point. In this particular scene, I believe it is Thanksgiving, and Oprah's character 'Sophia' has just been released from an eight year prison term. This same scene also reveals to us the confrontation of fear and the brutal subjugation suffered by Whoopi Goldberg's character, 'Ceilie' at the hands of her husband, 'Albert' - aka 'Mister', played by Danny Glover. Ceilie has

Contempt: The Seed That Familiarity Breeds

First, I'd like to start off by apologizing to those of you who enjoy reading my blogs for the long delay in between articles. I've been dealing with a few health issues. But today I feel well enough to sit down and share with you one of the many observations that has caused me to want to write about it. The brother in the above video is Alvin Brown; if you listened to it you already know what he does and what his credentials are. In this four minute segment he makes several statements regarding the title of this blog that can be used as good talking points. The first of many for me was at the 1:32 mark where he says, "Sometimes when you get familiar with something or use to something you overlook the value of it." This is very true. But let us take an up close and personal look into why. How many of you recall when you were younger and everything you got came out of your parent's pocket? You got a new pair of sneakers, mom or dad bought them. You got a ne